Past Exhibit

Frontextos: Visual Poems/Poemas Visuales

April 1, 2024–April 30, 2024
At Mexican Cultural Institute

Exhibit Overview

The Mexican Consulate in San Antonio, Mexican Cultural Institute and UTSA Institute of Texan Cultures will welcome poet and artist Octavio Quintanilla for National Poetry Month. The installation will include works drawn from Quintanilla’s “Frontextos,” a series of visual poems and a premier event including readings from the artist.

Curated by UTSA Art Specialist Arturo Infante Almeida. Almeida describes the exhibit as:

“Drawing upon nostalgic childhood memories, like staring at clouds and touching nature, Octavio Quintanilla combines paint, canvas, and language in his work. Using vibrant colors and intricate mark-making, Frontextos fuses poetry and painting to break free from the usual rules of art and storytelling.”

Open for viewing: Thursdays and Fridays, 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Private viewings by appointment.

Mexican Cultural Institute, 643 E. Nueva St.


Wednesday, April 17, 6 – 9 p.m. – Open to the public.
With poetry reading by the artist.

About the Artist

Octavio Quintanilla

Octavio Quintanilla

Octavio Quintanilla served as the 2018-2020 Poet Laureate of San Antonio, TX.  He is the author of the poetry collection, If I Go Missing (Slough Press, 2014) and of The Book of Wounded Sparrows (Texas Review Press, 2024). His poetry, fiction, translations, and photography have appeared, or are forthcoming, in journals such as Salamander, Alaska Quarterly Review, Pilgrimage, Green Mountains Review, Southwestern American Literature, The Texas Observer, Existere: A Journal of Art & Literature, and elsewhere. His Frontextos (visual poems) have been published in Poetry Northwest, The Southampton Review, RHINO, Texas Review Press, Borderlands: Texas Poetry Review, Midway Journal, The Langdon Review of the Arts in Texas, and elsewhere.   His poetry and Frontextos can be found at the San Antonio Labor Plaza, and at Poet’s Point, a San Antonio community space.


Venue Details

Mexican Cultural Institute
643 E Nueva St, San Antonio, TX 78205


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